隨意分享 之 早餐必備!!
6 August 2013 § 0
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- Author: sherye
- Comments: No Comments
- Categories: Happy share - 隨意分享, 早餐, 飲料
about sherye –
a twenty-something girl who loves book, movie, music, travelling. currently lives in Hong Kong, was an exchange student in Korea, has also been to England, Japan and Taiwan.
She is currently in love with Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Sherlock Holmes and Bones :)
- Diary – 我在首爾天氣晴 (10)
- 首爾自由行筆記 (7)
- Happy share - 隨意分享 (2)
- kindle touch (2)
- 網購開箱文 – Gmarket淘寶 (2)
- kpop-韓樂 (1)
- 留韓學生手冊 (1)
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